In 1905, the Reverend John G. McCormack, pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Tuckahoe, established a mission in Bronxville. Mass was first celebrated in the ballroom of the Gramatan Hotel. Every Sunday, rain or shine, the busy pastor harnessed his horse to a carriage or a sleigh, and made the journey to Bronxville, carrying the Sacred Vessels with him.
The mission grew steadily in numbers and soon the congregation longed for a church of their own. In 1922, seventeen years after the first Mass was celebrated, Father Joseph L. McCann was named pastor of St. Joseph's Church, which was elevated to official parish status by His Eminence Cardinal Hayes. Over the next four years, parishioners worked diligently to raise the necessary $50,000 "seed money" toward the construction of the church. The church was completed and dedicated by Cardinal Hayes in 1928.
Following the extraordinary leadership of the beloved founding pastor Father McCann, another wonderful priest, Father Francis X. Scott arrived. Father Scott was instrumental in planning our parochial school, which opened debt-free in September of 1951. The school has since graduated more than 1,400 students.
In 1968, Monsignor Joseph P. Moore was appointed the third pastor of St. Joseph's. Monsignor Moore is credited with the daunting task of successfully implementing the tenets of the Second Vatican Council into the fabric of parish life. Monsignor Patrick J. Sheridan followed Monsignor Moore and, along with his successor, Father James Connolly, they focused on the physical facilities of St. Joseph's. They undertook and completed renovation of the church and rectory, the installation of the pipe organ, and the construction of a new Parish Center. Monsignor Connolly also expanded the parish staff to provide for wider pastoral service.
Reverend Monsignor James F. Doyle succeeded Monsignor Connolly in 1998.
Fr. Pete McGeory succeeded Monsignor Doyle as Pastor in 2013.